February 05, 2025

How Do I ...

Marshall House

Resident Activities

Activities are important at Marshall House and provide residents with a quality of life that stimulates them to live longer. The Marshall House residents are also active in the community, volunteering at the hospital and schools and participating as members of area clubs, associations and senior groups.

The Marshall House Tenant Association Meeting is held on the last Monday of each month. Along with a copy of the meeting minutes, the Marshall House residents receive an Activity Calendar complete with all activities that residents can participate in for that particular month. Activities during the month include Bible study, BINGO and Euchre. A pot luck supper is held each month. Special events are scheduled during the year such as ice cream socials, health and safety information meetings, musical programs and craft workdays. 

Congregate Meal Site-

ALL AREA SENIORS are welcome to attend the meal site on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Marshall House Community Room. The doors open at 10:00 a.m. and lunch is served at noon. The suggested donation for the cost of the meal is $1.50. Please call for reservations by noon the day before you come to lunch.

Other Area Senior Activities

Several trips have been organized and planned by the Recreation Department. For further information on future trips and registration forms, please visit the Recreation Department website or you may contact the Recreation Department by telephone at 269.781.5166.

Again, these above activities are for all area Seniors.

For reservations or additional information, please call the Marshall House Apartments at 269.781.2391 or the Marshall City Recreation Department at 269.781.5166.


posted 12-18-2019 [Marshall House]