February 06, 2025

Utility Billing

Common Solutions


February 1, 2021 - Water & Sewer Rates ~141 KB
Application for Service ~105 KB
Affidavit of Landlord/Tenant Utility Agreement ~72 KB
Automatic Bill Payment Enrollment Form ~116 KB
Energy Optimization Rebates- Residential ~240 KB

Energy Rebates for Residential Customers 2022-2023


 Consumers Guide to information on Rooftop Solar Installations

2021 Summary for City of Marshall's Energy Waste Reduction Program ~139 KB
Energy Optimization Rebates- Commercial ~719 KB

Energy Optimization Rebates for Commerical Customers 2022-2023

view all Utility Billing resources

 Marshall City’s Utility Billing is a function of the City’s Finance Department located on the 1st floor of Town Hall. Utility Billing is responsible for importing meter reads into the utility billing software, printing bills, and the collection of utility accounts. Utility Billing calculates and mails over 5000 utility bills each month. For information on how to pay your utility bill CLICK HERE.

The Finance Department urges all utility customers to consider the  Automatic Bill Payment Enrollment option, which is to have your utility and/or FiberNet bill payments automatically deducted from your savings or checking account on (or up to four days prior to) the due date on your bill. It is the most efficient payment option, and is completely free to the customer!

For convenience to customers, utility payments may also be paid online or by phone at 1(833)440-3764. There is a 3% service fee ($2.00 Minimum) for those customers wishing to make a payment for a service using a debit or credit card (No fee for E-check payments). 

Also, a drop box is located on the east side of Town Hall where persons may leave payments 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Attention Customers:  If you or someone living in your home is 65 years of age or older, please notify our office by calling 269-781-3967 or by indicating it on your utility bill when you make your payment.  According to the guidelines set by the State, eligible senior citizens may not be shut off for non-payment during the heating season.  In order to properly follow these guidelines, it is imperative our seniors are identified.