March 13, 2025

How Do I ...

Utility Billing

Utility Billing Policies

After Hours Service
Customers who need to have their electricity reconnected after 5:00 p.m. need to contact the after-hours service center at (269) 781-8631. The reconnection fee and past due amount must be paid by a money order to the Meter Technician before service will be restored.

Landlord/Tenant Policy
A Landlord must provide an "Affidavit of Landlord/Tenant Utility Agreement" and a copy of the lease agreement before a tenant moves in. The lease must contain language that the tenant is responsible for the utility bills. Upon the filing of a lease agreement, the tenant will be responsible for a $200.00 utility deposit, payable at the time service is established. The utility deposit will be applied to the tenant’s final bill for that premise, with any excess amount being refunded to the tenant.

If no lease is filed, then pursuant to City Ordinance, any utilities delinquent for six months or more may be placed as a lien on the premises to which the service is provided and charged on the next property tax bill for the premises. In this case, the tenant must pay a $100.00 utility deposit payable at the time service is established. Once the tenant finals the account, the deposit will be applied to the tenant’s final bill for that premise, with any excess amount being refunded to the tenant.

Landlord's responsiblities:

  • Provide an "Affidavit of Landlord/Tenant Utility Agreement" and a copy of the lease to the City Utilities when a new tenant moves into their property, to prevent a lien on the property taxes.
  • Inform the City Utilities to take property’s utilities out of their name.
  • Provide City with available forwarding address.
  • Verify all utilities are paid in full after tenant has moved out.

Tenant's responsibilities:

  • Set up any service to the property.
  • Pay a $200 deposit if a lease has been provided by the landlord, otherwise $100.
  • Provide a correct forwarding address.
  • Sign an agreement to pay delinquent utilities upon final billing.

If you have any questions regarding the above policy and requirements, please contact the Utility Billing Department at (269) 781-3967 during regular business hours.

Payment Plan Customers
Customers who need payment plans are welcome to make an arrangement by contacting the Utility Billing Office at (269) 781-3967 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  If an arrangement is broken more than 3 times, they will be required to pay their account in full, including any turn-on fees, before their service will be re-established.  An additional deposit may be required as well.

Reconnection (Turn-On) Fees
Reconnection (turn-on) fees are as follows: $25 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  $115 after 3:30 p.m.

If there are any questions, please contact the Utility Billing Office at (269) 781-3967 during regular business hours.

posted 06-02-2017 [Utility Billing]