February 05, 2025

How Do I ...

City Council


 In accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendations designed to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and pursuant to Executive Order 2020–75 which declared that public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act may use telephone or video conferencing technology to meet and conduct business, the City of Marshall may hold such meetings via video or telephone conferencing.


Electronic Meeting Access


Instructions on how to access each meeting will be included in the published meeting notice. Those calling in will be able to hear the audio of the meeting, but their microphones will be muted. 




Public Participation


The following are the procedures by which persons may contact members of the public body to provide input or ask questions about any business that will come before it.


·         To help meeting flow and organization, all public comment will be taken at the beginning of the meeting and again at the end of the meeting. 


·      Electronic Meeting: To make a public comment during a public comment period, please use the "raise your hand" function or comment in the chat that you wish to comment,  and state your name and express your interest when called upon to do so.


·         The time limit for an individual’s public comments shall remain five minutes.


Members of the public, whether or not they are joining the electronic public meeting, may submit written comments and questions regarding any matter, including items of business that will come before the City Council. Written comments and questions may be submitted at any time.   The communications received will be read aloud during the public comment section of the agenda. The City reserves the right to summarize long written comments and questions rather than reading them aloud but will provide City Council members the full text of these comments subsequent to the meeting.

Public comments and questions must include the name and home address of the person submitting them and must not include language that would be considered vulgar or be interpreted as hate speech or fighting words. The comments and questions should also indicate the date of the electronic public meeting for which they are being submitted.

Written comments and questions should be submitted to Trisha Nelson, City Clerk at tnelson@cityofmarshall.com.

Persons with disabilities who require assistance in order to participate in the electronic public meeting should contact the City at the earliest opportunity by emailing tnelson@cityofmarshall.com.

posted 09-18-2020 [City Council]