March 08, 2025
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Human Resources
Procedures for Filling Vacancies
Vacancies which the City Manager authorizes to fill will be posted on the bulletin board in Town Hall and within the hiring department. Employees who wish to apply for the position must notify the Human Resource’s Department within the period set forth on the posting.
Upon approval of the City Manager to fill a vacancy or to create a new position, the appropriate Director and the Human Resources Department will initiate the following hiring process:
- The position may be advertised in regularly circulated newspapers, professional journals and the internet as necessary and held open for a minimum of 10 calendar days.
- The position shall be posted on the bulletin board in Town Hall reflecting the posting date. All job postings and marketing will be coordinated by the Director of Human Resources.
- Candidates should submit a properly and legibly completed application form.
- A resume may be requested.
- The applicant may be asked to take a post-offer, job-related employment physical to be performed by a physician designated by and at the expense of the City. A drug screen will be required before the position is awarded.
- All employees will be subject to the City’s Substance Abuse and Alcohol/Drug Testing Policy.
- Employees whose position will require a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) will be required to abide by the “City of Marshall Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures.” This policy is made available to all employees whose position requires a CDL.
- Employment interviews shall be conducted. The interview team should consist of, but may not be limited to, the appropriate Director, the Director of Human Resources and others as necessary.
- In the event a Director or Department Head is being hired, a management team designated by the City Manager will be used for the screening and interviewing panel. The Human Resources Department shall have an applicant sign an "Authority for Release of Information" form.
- Applicants may be evaluated based upon their education and experience, the results of written tests, performance tests, personal interviews and other criterion.
- All personnel appointed to regular full time positions must be confirmed by the City Manager prior to commencement of employment.
- The City Manager, Director of Human Resources and/or the hiring Director may disqualify applicants for any of the reasons listed below:
The Department of Human Resources will retain employment applications and resumes for one year from the date received by the City of Marshall.
posted 04-28-2010
[Human Resources]